An FOS Performance

Mari MacEwen / Mac Eoghain / Ewing (Clan)
Sound Healing and Music for Meditations
Mari has spent 25 years providing therapeutic sound for healing, and stress reduction, playing music for meditation / guided meditations, and leading interactive sound circles. She has played at various churches, workshops and centers in Northern and Southern California as well as in the country and out; touring Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Her work has been described as "mesmerizing," "stunning," "magical" and "incredibly powerful." One teenage girl approached Kaiumari after a show and told her, "this is the music I have been waiting for all of my life."
Mari also loves to facilitate participants raising their voices together creating a communal vocal symphony of sorts. She worked with a group of teen pregnant mothers and one of the young women shared that 'this was the first time she felt empowered and now felt that she could do something about her situation. "It is heartening to have someone feel more empowered about themselves by participating in a program I have created." "I can not ask for more than this, and the opportunity to live life from a continually creative space." It is definitely about living life as a continual Ceremony for me."
Mari continues these purely vocal sound circles under the "Communal Vocal Symphony (TM) name.
Mari has founded an organization created with the intent to share the vision of embracing life as celebration and mystery. As well as providing sound healing, interactive workshops and sound circles, Mari's organization, "Living Ceremony" (TM) provides indigenous lineage medicine practices and protocol, in partnership with traditional medicine people of lineage, and facilitates internal Taoist practices for those of heart. Please see some of the offerings in the PDF below.
Mari is an ordained minister / officiate / priest recognized by the state of California.
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The Fragrance of Sound ®
MARI is the main vocalist, performer, and creative force behind FOS. She plays indigenous instruments, percussion and color percussion including Tibetan, Asian, Celtic, African, and European Instruments. She started playing indigenous instruments in 1991. These include gongs, bells, wooden and clay flutes, sonajas, and ayoyotes, tubes and shells, various horns and noise makers, whistles, all things Pre-Hispanic / Pre-Columbian (drums etc.), and eclectic vocal sounds. Kaiumari also plays a little guitar and keyboards.
Mari was an active dance member of the indigenous group Danza Azteca Cuauhte'moc. She currently studies Taoist internal Martial Arts under a Taoist Master, Tibetan Buddhist Practices, Mayan Practices, and indigenous practices with lineage Medicine people from various cultures. She became Certified in Therapeutic Sound Healing in 1992 after a year 400-hour + program she completed from Master Instructor and Practitioner, Sound Healer, Kabbalah Bach. She has also received a 14 year Apprenticeship Certificate in Sound Healing from Kabbalah Bach. Mari is also Certified to Facilitate the Taoist energetic and meditation practices of the Kunlun System (R), and has been trained in Motivational Interviewing / Life Coaching through a pilot program at USC Keck school of Medicine where she counseled "at risk" teens.
She further has a background in Naturopathic / Alternative / Energetic / Vibrational -Sound Medicine; and was Certificated in Total Body Modification in 1990. She also has studied Matrix Energetics and served as an intern and then as a facilitator for Richard Bartlet's Matrix Energetics workshops for years. She has been a practitioner and a member of the Circle of Friends - Meditation Practices for 11 years.
She has a degree in Theater and Fine Arts, and has an education in performance art, photography, costume and make-up design, and graphic arts so she has her hands in the design of all of the advertising and music promotion / CD covers as well as the bands multi-media presentations, website, costumes and technical theatrical aspects.
Mari has also designed special effects make-up for the Talking Heads, Oingo Boingo, and many well known bands on MTV.
MARI - Musical Bio
MARI has been in the Fragrance of Sound since it's inception in 2002. She is the founding member along with K. Bach, who left to pursue solo work in 2004.
Mari performed in the original FOS group with K. Bach and Erial Ali for 8 years starting in 1990 before perusing her own vision. Prior to that, she played in the Dialeclectics, the Ideals, with the Infamous Dave Lippman, and with partner Dwain Hicks. Kaiumari and Dwain wrote for one of the members of the Cirque du Soleil's solo show in Las Vegas, as well as perused a micro tonal modern classical style. Mari sang vocals on Loren Nerel's album "Book of Alchemy," featured in Keyboard Magazine, on a tack that became a soundtrack for an MTV Animation Festival. Marii has also performed with Eva Stokes in Kaliuga, Sabrina Sayed, with a member of the famed eclectic group, the "Residents," and apprenticed under Aretha Franklin's back up singer, Geraldine Jones (Geraldine of comedian - Flip Wilson). Currently she is also a frequenting musician with the sacred singing Ensemble: Presence Tarika Eden Grace.Lama Ngakpha Dorje (Tibetan)
Ven Lama Dorje - 2008
Sifu Jenny Lamb
Master Yuan Miao - 1994-96
Taoist Teachers
Ching Fung Dao Shr (Chinese Taoist Name) - 2008 - 16
Kan San - Taoist Master
Taoist Priest / Kahuna - Shen T. Ballesteros - 1992 - 95
Danza Azteca Cuauhtemoc, Pastel Mirales, Dance Chief & healer - 1991
Mark Montijo - Apache Roadsman - 1985 - 87
Mongolian Elder, J W - Mongolian Medicine Ways - 86
Ways - 1988
Warren Barigian, Vocal Bio Matrix - 5 years +
Iyengar Yoga - Ramanand Patel - 1979 - 1983
Richard Bartlet - Matrix Energetics - 1989-1995
Dr. Victor Frank D.C. - Total Body Modification - 1997
Music, meditation, spiritual, ambient, sound healing, micro tonal, healing, Cirque du Soleil, chants, harmonic singing, percussion, trance, indigenous, tribal, eclectic, ethnic, alternative, olfactory, performance art, Sufi, Tibetan Buddhism, psychedelic, native, bees, presence, stillness, sacred sound, sacred, sound bath, gong, Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Bowls, Medicine, shamanism, multi-cultural, experimental, experiential, aromatherapy, Peace, nature, harmony, pyramid, 2012, Neburu, quantum, bleep, Peter Gabriel, Bjork, Cocteau Twins, Kate Bush, Steve Roach, Steve Reich, Jorge Reyes, dragon, Maoshan, phoenix, proto-language, gibberish, Tuvan, Kitaro, dolphins, whales, Tom Kenyon, Lori Anderson, Chinese Healing Music, even tempered, modern classical, Cello, Stand-up Bass, bells, tingshaw, Maoshan, Tao, sound-scape, atmospheric, Pythagorean, immersion dome, sonic, multi-sensory, sensory, matrix, native, primordial, silence, realization, enlightenment, Zen, body percussion, ritual, sound effects, purification, thought deprivation tanks, awareness, kahuna, Huna, Toltec, Castaneda, ceremony, Nagual, Rainbow, Alex Grey, Celtic, Fairies, Deep Forest, Inca, Curandero, Egypt, Fragrance of Sound, the Fragrance of Sound, fragrance, fragrance music, fragrance band, micro tonal, the 432 Golden Mean Solfeggio Tuning, hierosonics, motivational interviewing, life coaching, holographic sound, iritual, ambient, sound healing, micro tonal, healing, chants, harmonic singing, percussion, trance, indigenous, tribal, eclectic, ethnic, alternative, olfactory, performance art, Sufi, Tibetan Buddhism, psychedelic, native, bees, presence, stillness, sacred sound, sacred, sound bath, gong, Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Bowls, Medicine, shamanism, multi-cultural, experimental, experiential, aromatherapy, Peace, nature, harmony, pyramid, 2012, Neburu, quantum, bleep, Peter Gabriel, Bjork, Cocteau Twins, Kate Bush, Steve Roach, Steve Reich, Jorge Reyes, dragon, Maoshan, phoenix, proto-language, gibberish, Tuvan, Kitaro, dolphins, whales, Tom Kenyon, Lori Anderson, Chinese Healing Music, even tempered, modern classical, Cello, Stand-up Bass, bells, tingshaw, Maoshan, Tao, sound-scape, atmospheric, Pythagorean, immersion dome, sonic, multi-sensory, sensory, matrix, native, primordial, silence, realization, enlightenment, Zen, body percussion, ritual, sound effects, purification, thought deprivation tanks, awareness, kahuna, Huna, Toltec, Castaneda, ceremony, Nagual, Rainbow, Alex Grey, Celtic, Fairies, Deep Forest, Inca, Curandero, Egypt, Fragrance of Sound, the Fragrance of Sound, Digital Sound Design, Steve Everett, minister, Proto-Language. Energetic Medicine. Vibrational Medicine, Presence Tarika Eden Grace, Kunlun Nei Gung, Kunlun System, FOS, Dwain Hicks, Geraldine Jones, Aretha Franklin, Residents, Dave Lippman, the Dialeclectics, Erial Ali, Kabbalah Bach, Loren Nerel, Book of Alchemy, Eva Stokes, Cirque du Soliel, Sabrina Sayed.
A Cistern of Performances
Of Prime Importance
A Movement of Women
The Agony of the Embers
Yellow Tagged
The Science of Stress Management & Promoting Well-being - Univ of Washington
Mindfulness Mediation - Monash University
Ear Training for Audio Engineering
& Mari has earned
Certificates of Accomplishment with Distinction in the Arts of
Digital Sound Design - Emory University / Steve Evert
Computational Arts, Audio - State U, NY
Music Production - Berklee School of Music / Loudon Sterns
Musicianship - Berklee / George Russell Jr
Songwriting - Berklee / Pat Pattison
Site Specific Dance and Performance - Cal Arts / Stephan Koplowitz
Computational Arts, Visual - State U, NY
Creativity, Innovation and Change -Penn State U
Preventing Chronic Pain - A Human Systems Approach; University of Minnesota
Curanderismo: Traditional Medicine - University of New Mexico - Intro to, 1, 2 & 3.
Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship -Duke U
Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data - Johns Hopkins U
Stonehenge - University of Buckingham - Uk
Magic in the Middle Ages - U of Barcelona
Sagas and Space, Vikings - U of Zurich
Sacred Objects in Religious Life - Hamilton College.
Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies - U of Maryland
Strategic Innovation - Vanderbilt University
Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence - Case Western Reserve U.
Accountable Talk - U of Pittsburgh
What a Plant Knows - Tel Aviv U.
Mari has served as an Adjunct Professor at Antelope Valley College in their Technical Theater Arts Summer Program, as well as has taught at Cinema Academy, Joe Blasco Academy and The Armory Center for the Arts. She also has a background teaching Arts / Photography / Theater / Choir / Literature for the Unified School Districts.